Saturday 30 August 2014

Another test piece for the control panel

This wiring gobbledygook is a test for the control panel my son and I are building. Lots of cool lighted switches and push buttons that turn off and on other LEDs, fans and buzzers. This on is wired so the column switch and the row switch must be on to light a light.

Now I have to transfer this to a printed circuit board and solder a lot of switches and lights.

Friday 15 August 2014

Tree down in neighbor's yard

The whole top of this tree broke off and fell last night around 3am in the neighbors yard. It is pretty much the whole top so the tree is done. The expression goes sick like a sycamore, I guess that is true.

Guardians of the Galaxy

We saw Guardians of the Galaxy the Monday after it opened. It was very entertaining and didn't have many other Marvel characters from other movies. That worked for me.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Gravity Falls Experiments


Monday 4 August 2014

Focus not on the Rapture but on loving others.

A Roman Catholic priest gives the right answer when asked, "How does the Rapture figure into your faith?"
...Essentially all of this can be a great distraction from what believers should really be concerned about: bringing hope, mercy and compassion to human history, and participating in the struggle to transform the world and its systems toward fairness and equity for all God's children. Matthew 25 says it all: the Final Judgment will be based on how we have cared for the least among us.
When I ask the kids I teach, "How can we be a good people?", "How can we love God, and show we love God?", often they answer by saying they could pray, some suggest some actions but not many.  I tell them that prayer is good and also here are some actions you can perform, the Corporal Works of Mercy, which are from Matthew 25 and the parable of the Sheep and the Goats:  Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, care for the sick, welcome the stranger.  That's why the rapture, besides not being in scripture, also doesn't matter.  We have some great suggestions for what we can do to make the world a better place, you don't even need to be Christian to think they are good ideas. I am trying to get better at them.

(via The Slacktavist)

Friday 1 August 2014

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Kick Ass 2

Kick Ass 2

Phony Sunken Treasure puts Law Firm in Deep Water

A fortune in emeralds on the Caribbean seafloor was too much temptation for a Delaware law firm likely to be sanctioned for using the courts to attempt to legitimize what has turned out to be a hoax.

Like a bad movie plot - accusations from other treasure hunters that the find was to good to be true and analysis that showed the emeralds to be coated with modern epoxy to enhance their appearance have left questions about how much the law firm knew after the suicide of the original finder.

(via Delaware News Journal)